S2UI is Redefining The Expo & Media Experience

The Current Expo Flow

  • Attendees frantically looking for registration numbers as they check in
  • Event staff begging attendees to download the show app to manage their time at the show
  • Attendees asking for "show guides" on site because they do not like the apps
  • People walking around with crumpled pieces of paper with handwritten notes on what booths they have visited
  • Annoyed attendees that did not "know" that X vendor was at the event or that Y speaker was leading a session

The Epic Swipe™ Flow

  • Attendees swipe through exhibitors and speakers
  • Connect, book meetings, build agendas
  • Each exhibitor has their own “swipe page” with logo, booth number, videos & engagement buttons
  • Sales people at the show producer sell “swipe pages” the same way they sell booth space
  • Click here for more details

The Current B2B Media Flow

  • Ton of banner ads, footers and popups that are annoying
  • Suspicious content that feels more like an advertorial than it does like editorial
  • Connections between social and traditional media that blur church/state lines of editorial integrity
  • Built on legacy of traffic, page views per unique visitor, gated content and lead generation
  • Webinars, white papers, research reports and more that sit behind registration gates and pay walls

The Epic Tags™ Flow

  • Pick the suppliers you want to follow
  • Get updates from them in your “trending” feed
  • Pick hashtag categories to receive content, market & industry news on
  • Publisher CMS organized into a feed delivery vs post and push
  • Suppliers can post to their followers and sponsor hashtag categories