The Who, Why & How



CEO & Co-Founder

“Because I am good at this. Let’s put our heads together & create something rad.”

John Muehling

John Muehling

Strategic Advisor

Tight lines lands the fishes, but clean data leads to riches…let’s clean it up!

John Siefert

John Siefert

Co-Founder & Board Member

“Because user expectations have changed and y’all need to get caught up.”

Shannon Shiell

Shannon Shiell

Design & Support

“Great eye for design, loves vino and FSU!”

Puff Ruff

Puff Ruff

S2UI's Dog

“Seriously? C’mon man, you know why I’m here: cool ideas, sunshine, and rollin’ in the sand!”

Ian Shiell

Ian Shiell


“Because we are moving from a search to feed world so let’s get your groove on.”

JoAnn Talia

JoAnn Talia

Client Success

“Teacher, Client Success Leader, SF Bay Area kid & Niner fan son!”


Understand the goal of the content and the context of user expectations


Design a UI that plays into the UX flow of content delivery and user intent


Help create sales packages, go to market strategy and revenue plans